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Commodity risk /

Add independent experts to your team

COMMODITY RISK > Strategy > Timing > Pricing > Monitoring

Rarely have commodity prices been as volatile as in recent years. ICC regularly updates you on developments in the global economy and on the most likely medium-term movements in the commodity markets relevant to you. During our talks, we will come up with a specific policy geared towards your situation and discuss what actions you could take for your existing and new commodity positions. Unlike banks and suppliers, we do not have to sell you any products. More often than not, we are worth our money precisely because we advise you not to trade because it better suits the business and market conditions at that particular point in time.

Overall, working with ICC leads to peace of mind, greater control, better results and significantly lower transaction costs. You will have your own commodity experts (including access to professional pricing systems) on board for a fraction of what it would cost you to employ these experts and use these systems in-house.

Schedule a meeting here, or call or e-mail us.