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Commodity risk /

Choose the right time to enter the market

COMMODITY RISK > Strategy > Timing > Pricing > Monitoring

Almost all companies that buy or sell commodities look at price trends. When determining the best buying or selling moments and ways in which to buy or sell commodities (spot, forward or a combination of these), the trick is to factor in an expected price movement without getting bogged down in speculative policies based on predictions. In addition, business conditions also determine when you buy, sell or hedge commodities.

You are trying to manage business conditions as best you can, but you lack the time to closely monitor the financial markets yourself. ICC's analysts and advisors do this for you. They follow world-leading research and carefully weigh all arguments and scenarios. In their regular updates/calls, they discuss the most likely medium-term scenarios for the relevant commodities, including the main pros and cons. Our relations are therefore better informed in less time and will be able to make well-informed decisions.

By partnering with ICC, you will add a team of commodity experts to your team for a fraction of the cost of having these experts and systems in-house. You will have an expert sparring partner that will help you implement a successful commodity policy geared towards your unique situation.