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Currency risk /

Many companies follow, but lag behind FX markets

CURRENCY RISK > Strategy > Timing > Pricing > Monitoring

ICC's currency specialists assist and guide many family-owned and private equity-owned businesses in managing their currency risks. In this regard, ICC is the independent advisor and sparring partner in various areas of currency risk management and hedging. At the beginning of a partnership, we start by identifying your unique currency risk. What are the different exposures, and what is their lead time? How do they come about? Who is responsible? These are just a few examples of the issues we look into. We make impact calculations under various currency market scenarios and assess the current policy, resulting in a clear overview with conclusions, recommendations and several 'quick wins'.

Once the best possible strategy has been chosen, we will implement it together with you. Our only goal is that you improve your currency results, without speculating, and benefit from a decline in transaction costs/commercial charges. So, you do not execute currency transactions with us. You continue to do so with your own bank or currency broker, but at better rates, due to our efforts.

Do you suspect that the currency risk management within your organisation could be improved? Then, as a first step, let us benchmark your current policy and get in touch.