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Currency risk /

The most likely scenarios for currency pairs?

CURRENCY RISK > Strategy > Timing > Pricing > Monitoring

Almost all companies buying and/or selling foreign currencies look at exchange rate developments and the market outlook. When determining the optimal timing and instrument (spot, forward, option, or a combination of these), the trick is to factor in the most likely scenario without getting bogged down in speculative policies based on currency forecasts. In addition, business circumstances (delayed deliveries, additional orders, etc.) are also very important factors in determining the timing and instrument.

You try to manage your business and factors within your influence as best you can, but obviously don't have time to closely monitor financial markets. ICC's analysts and advisors do this for you. They follow world-leading research and carefully weigh all arguments and scenarios. In their periodic analyses, they provide the most likely scenarios for the short, medium and long term, including the main pros and cons. In addition, we provide you with periodic pricing updates of relevant hedges and proactively inform you of the best time to take action. Our clients are better informed in less time, allowing them to make well-informed and well-timed decisions.

Working with ICC means you will be adding a team of independent currency experts and their real-time pricing systems to your team, for a fraction of the actual cost of doing this in-house. You will have a well-informed, independent sparring partner helping you switch to a specific and successful currency policy.